Friday, 2 September 2011


Do you know the rich don’t work for money? They let money work for them. The poor and the middle class work for money. They desire money just for the joy they think it can buy. But the fact remains that the joy that money can buy if at all it does, is often short lived, and they soon need more money for more joy, pleasure comfort, and security. Thinking about money will give their souls that are troubled by fear and desire.
But money can’t do that. Money is running their lives and they refuse to tell the truth about that. Money is in control of their emotions and hence their souls, but financial education can help save you from calamity.
I know some of you will frown at this but it’s good we tell the truth even if is bitter yet it’s still better because money can’t give you everything.
Money can buy bed but can’t buy sleep
Money can buy book but can’t buy brain
Money can buy house but can’t buy a home.
Money can buy pleasure but can’t buy peace.


What do you really believe about money? Belief is a serious factor that can lead someone into becoming a billionaire, average or landing someone in an abject poverty.
Take this test to know your score. If you strictly believe what you believe now, your score will tell you what you will become.
You score 2 points each for any yes answer and for any no answer.

1)      I need money to make money                                                 Yes _______   No ______
2)      No body is rich in my family, so I won’t be rich                     Yes _______   No ______
3)      Love of money is the root of all evil                                        Yes _______   No ______
4)      Lack of money is the root of all evil                                        Yes _______   No ______
5)      All rich people are fraudulent                                      Yes ______     No ______
6)      I deserve to be rich                                                                  Yes ______     No ______
7)      Being rich is by luck                                                               Yes ______     No ______
8)      Rich people have more problems than the poor                      Yes ______     No ______

If you score up to 12 points, friend, you get to rethink and change your believe system else you and up in object poverty.
Scoring from 6 to 10 points will put at the risk of becoming average.
Scoring less than 6 points place you at the top. Keep your belief and learn to work.

Considering the unemployment rate, high rate of poverty, financial struggle, poor salary, gratuity and pension structure, late retirement and other unpalatable situation of our country, hence this school was established. This school was solely established to teach you those things you won’t learn in school. Our current educational system focuses on preparing today’s youths to get good job by developing scholastic skills. These professional skills allow them to enter the work force and work for money, little or no financial education.
Financial struggle is often directly the result of people working all their life for someone else. Many people will have nothing at the end of their working days. The problem is; our financial intelligence lies asleep waiting to be called upon. It lies asleep because our culture had educated us into believing that the love of money is the root of all evil. This had also been my personal believe. Thank God I quickly discovered that is not true. Our educational system has encouraged us to learn a profession so we can work for money not money work for us.
In this school our course outline is based on; self employment. How you can let money work for you, inventing money Instead of borrowing, invest in financial literacy, knowing the deferent between asset and liabilities, and many more that can liberate you from your financial struggle.
Our labour force can only accommodate 10% of our graduates yearly, 3% of them receive late salary. 4% stands at risk of being retrenched within the first six months of employment and only 3% who work for government can boast of job security but with cheaps as salary.    
What do we do?
For how long shall we continue to work hard in school, come out with good grades and work for government or corporation? For how long shall we continue writing our curriculum vitae in search for a job?
For how long shall we sit to argue over salary structure, reduction or increment of salaries?
For how long shall we continue to learn how to write application letter, write it again and again and a times give it to some one whose handwriting is better than ours to recopy it for us so that we can be considered to be employed?
For how long shall we keep lying about our age so that we won’t get retired early by the government?
Friends don’t you think is high time we started learning how to write business plan for ourselves?
Don’t be afraid I’ m at you service. I will help  you out in this my school.
Now let’s look at how to become self employed. Perform good action, you must have positive anticipation and to have positive anticipation you most first believe.
Your resources: the fact that you don’t have cash is no proving that you don’t have wealth. When you think in term of resources, you‘ll know that you don’t need to canvas around in search for a job. The most common resource is your
(1)   Physical energy: some of you won’t like this idea but the truth remains that people make good money with their physical energy.
(2)   Words:  in the invisible world, words are wealth. Many people around the globe made their world through their words e.g. football coaches, pastors, motivational speaker’s etc. hang around with wealthy people and you will see that they don’t waste their words like the poor do.
(3)   Time: time is a convertible the world riches man, Symeon Davrous Carnegie Freemanstein (aka shadow) makes $1,200 per seconds that is to say he wouldn’t waste time with anyone discussing trivia things. Use your time very well.
(4)   Idea: people trade ideal for money creating, Becoming self employed can’t be a quick decision; a person can’t quit a job one day and become self-employed the next day. Well, below are the basic steps that you should apply to become self employed.
Change your belief system:  belief determines expectation. You’ll become on the outside what you do. You‘ll become on the outside what you believe inside. Your expectation determines your person possesses. It is an idea that possesses a person. Belief is a very broad topic of its own. But I will try as much as possible to streamline it.  People belief they need money to make money and once that get in your mind, it becomes your reality. So if you don’t have money you won’t make money. Some of you have already concluded that once you graduate the next and the best thing to do is to look for a job, work for money and they are okay with that. It might interest you to know that in our country today if you still believe on getting a job after school you might be just like a blind man in a dark room looking for a black cat that’s not there. Mind you; I never said there are no jobs for you but very few jobs.
      If you want good result, you need to carry out good action, if you want to product and services that can meet needs in the life of people. Learn to value every thing around you. You can create job for yourself with what people don’t value. For instance most persons look at the sand and say this is dirt but I look at the sand and see a material for building castle.
      Get education and understand the purpose of education. In our country we get education so that we can have certificate and get a job but that formula is no longer working. The word “education” came from a Latin word “educo” from which we get the English word “educe” meaning bringing forth from within. The essence of education is the training of the inner faculty to recognize opportunity. Many go to school but they are not educated. Read books out-side your profession to make you current that accumulates the currency.
Get financial education:  the reason we have so many poor people is because they don’t have financial education. I wish to teach more on financial education in my next post, so you may subscribed for email update so that you never mis a single post.
Learn to solve problems: The amount of wealth you have on earth is determined by amount of financial problems you’ve been recognize how to solve problems but not how to make money.
Above all don’t forget that there is a curve called failure, A loop called confusion speed bumps called friends, Red lights called enemies caution lights called family. You’ll have flats called jobs, but if you have a key called determination, an engine called perseverance, insurance called faith, a driver called desire; you will make it to a place called success.

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