Given yourself as a living sacrifices unto God, by allowing God to take charge of your activities in life is the best thing that can ever happen to the life of individual, for instance a boy hear about Jesus and decided to give his life for Christ, he was invited to the church, in the church people where given their offering and the offering plate pass by him and he has nothing to give, after some time the offering plate was also pass for the second offering and he has nothing to offer unto Jesus, he felt so bad that he has nothing to offer to Jesus, he stood up and want to the usher and demanded for the offering plate and he was given, he enter into the offering plate and offer himself to God as a living sacrifice, I don’t know how you are curious of given your life as a living offering to God, so that God will use you to touch this generation, I encourage you this day that you make yourself available to God and he will never fail you in life, because you bear in your body the mark of Christ Jesus that no man will trouble you according to Galatians 6v17.